Roman: Repel Cavalry (30th Legion)


The order to repel cavalry by Roman officers brought about a defensive formation, in which the front rank formed a kneeling tight wall of shields with their pila protruding to form a line of spearheads. Undoubtedly it would be very hard to force a horse to break into such a formation. The most likely occurrence would be that the cavalry would come to a halt of its own accord ahead of the spearheads. It was at that moment that horse and rider would be at their most vulnerable against the rear rank stood behind the first line of infantry, who would then hurl their spears at them. Given the short distance and the training legionaries received, it is likely such halted cavalry, frantically trying to turn their horses around to retreat, whilst colliding with horses following in the charge, would prove very easy prey. ROM004B comes as a 2 man boxed figure set and is limited to only 100 sets.

Model: TG-ROM004B


2 in stock
